Language Hub

10 Thai Phrases to Begin Learning Thai in Singapore!

As you embark on your journey to learn Thai in the vibrant city of Singapore, mastering some essential phrases will set you on the path to effective communication and cultural immersion. Whether you’re planning a trip to Thailand, interested in Thai culture,...

Unleash Your Linguistic Skills: Learning Thai in Singapore at Agape School!

Language learning is a remarkable journey that opens doors to new cultures, enhances communication skills, and expands horizons. If you’re looking to embark on a linguistic adventure, Agape School in Singapore offers a remarkable opportunity to learn Thai and...
7 habits of highly efficient students

7 habits of highly efficient students

The one thing young students, casual learners and advanced learners of a language have in common is the desire to learn efficiently. Students have to grapple with very different concepts, cultures and even script – depending on the language. It’s not as simple as...

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18 Strategies for Enhancing Language Skills

18 Strategies for Enhancing Language Skills

Learning a language is not always effortless. To maximise your learning and efficiently progress, students must adopt strategies. Here are our best tips for enhancing language skills and managing language challenges. This list is not exhaustive, it’s simply a place to...

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Humans vs Machine

Humans vs Machine

This age-old debate will continue to rage on but in terms of language acquisition and translation, which one is better? Human or Machine? We’ve all used Google Translate or downloaded an online dictionary when we’re travelling. Perhaps we’ve even depended on it for...

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Quickly Learn A Language By Thinking In It

Quickly Learn A Language By Thinking In It

It can be tedious to learn a language. There will always be a certain amount of raw memorization required. However, there are also many little techniques to help students learn a language efficiently. Labelling things around the house in the language you want to learn...

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Everything sounds better in French

Everything sounds better in French

Paris is often regarded as the city of love and by extension, French is viewed as the language of love. It is undeniable that certain languages simply sound better than others. But why is this so? The Roman emperor, Charles V, once said, “I speak Spanish to God,...

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