OneSpiffy Ninjas

10 Thai Phrases to Begin Learning Thai in Singapore!

As you embark on your journey to learn Thai in the vibrant city of Singapore, mastering some essential phrases will set you on the path to effective communication and cultural immersion. Whether you’re planning a trip to Thailand, interested in Thai culture,...

Unleash Your Linguistic Skills: Learning Thai in Singapore at Agape School!

Language learning is a remarkable journey that opens doors to new cultures, enhances communication skills, and expands horizons. If you’re looking to embark on a linguistic adventure, Agape School in Singapore offers a remarkable opportunity to learn Thai and...
Less is more in foreign language learning

Less is more in foreign language learning

Which would be easier for you to memorize? The entire Singapore telephone book (yes, they still exist). A short nursery rhyme. Scientific studies have shown that we learn best by absorbing small morsels of information, applying them in a practical manner, then...

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Spanish Language Teaching Methods

Spanish Language Teaching Methods

Most people would agree on the absolute necessity of learning a foreign language in today’s society. But what is the most adequate and most effective way to do it? This is where things get a little bit more complicated. Different answers to this question have...

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Learn Korean: Hangul

Learn Korean: Hangul

Korean is spoken by over 63 million people in South Korea, North Korea, China, Japan, and even Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Russia! Grammatically, the Korean language has many similarities to the Japanese language while 70% of its vocabulary is a derivative of the...

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Test yourself: Are you fluent?

Test yourself: Are you fluent?

Some people take years to learn a language, some months and others decades. So, what are we all chasing? What is it that exams test students for? Fluency. However, given the different complexities, intricacies and even structure of languages around the world, how do...

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Why Should I Learn a Foreign Language?

Why Should I Learn a Foreign Language?

More and more software programs, electronic devices and websites devoted to foreign languages are being developed daily. Why all the excitement? Why would YOU want to learn a foreign language? Job Advancement – Get the Competitive Edge Many large corporations and...

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